The player who drew the 10 picks a category such as “car brands” or “famous painters” the players then go around in the circle saying items from that category, if someone doesn’t have any more answers they must drink. The Player who drew this card gets an assignment from the other players. The Player who drew this card must drink. The Player who drew this card selects someone who then must drink. When that person stops drinking the person to their right can stop drinking. When the person who picked up the card stops drinking the person to their right can stop drinking. The Player who drew the Ace begins to chug or sip, and so then does everybody else. If someone touches more than one card or breaks the circle, they must automatically drink for that. As said these assignments can be randomly chosen. Someone starts and picks the first card from the circle, then you have to do the assignment corresponding to the card. Put all the cards in a circle around on a table.
The rules of this game can be adapted as you like. More than that will probably result in cheating and a lousy game overview. Kings or Circle of death is a widespread drinking game that can be played with 2 to 8 people. Kings Drinking Game Short about the Drinking Game